10 大麻-Infused 艺术 Experiences in San Francisco | San Francisco Travel-贝博体彩
Creativity 和 inspiration is everywhere you look in San Francisco.

10 大麻-Infused 艺术 Experiences in San Francisco

Elevate your experience 和 get cultured at San Francisco galleries, 博物馆, 公共艺术收藏.

San Francisco is a haven for out-of-the-box thinkers 和 innovative minds. The city is known for showcasing a wide array of artistic expression, often pushing the boundaries of creativity. 今天,在一个大麻盛行的州欣赏艺术提供了一个新的和有趣的转折 贝博体彩app艺术界.

Scientifically speaking, cannabis 和 art do complement one another. Research shows that cannabis can increase cerebral blood flow, which helps neurons receive 和 interpret information in a more uninhibited way. 大麻放大了形状、颜色和纹理,经常释放出敬畏和惊奇的感觉. Simply put: when an art experience is elevated by cannabis, it can be more profound. 

你真幸运, San Francisco is a cannabis-friendly, art-rich playground that awakens 和 invigorates the senses. 这里有十个突出的大麻注入艺术体验,可以考虑作为你的贝博体彩app冒险的一部分.




Audium 是一种探索声音和空间设计的感官交集的传输音频体验. Audium最初被称为“声音剧场”,自1967年以来一直在创新空间声音. An experience well-suited for an enhanced cannabis perspective, Audium is a small 49-seat venue of complete darkness. 听众沐浴在精心制作的“声音雕塑”中,通过176个扬声器放大. The experience has been described as "surreal", leaving a theater-goer feeling "excitable” 和 “outside of oneself".



With more than 600 交互ive art 和 science exhibits, 天黑后的探索博物馆是您行程中完美的大麻补充体验. Visitors are invited to explore, 交互, 并在当地DJ播放的轻松环境音乐的背景下变得好奇. 这是一个仅限成年人参加的活动,每周四晚上6点到10点之间进行.m.



Between 24th 和 25th streets

温和的小巷 is one of the most extensive mural art collections in San Francisco. Located in the 任务的区, 温和的小巷起源于20世纪80年代,当时是一个小型的激进主义艺术作品集合,表达了对中美洲发生的侵犯人权行为的愤怒. Powered by global politics today, human rights 和 the most pressing cultural issues of our time, 香巷提供了一个不断变化的壁画在无数的风格和主题光谱. 为了增加讲故事的体验,可以考虑预订一个有导游的旅行 Precita眼睛壁画艺术.


Between Mission 和 Valencia streets

受温暖小巷的启发,号角巷壁画项目(CAMP)于1992年开始飞行. The walls that line the 560-by-15 foot corridor are the canvas, CAMP的使命是支持社会参与和美学创新的艺术,强调新的风格和社会正义. 从一开始, 号角巷是各种族艺术家创作的900多幅壁画的故乡, 年龄, 以及经验水平. 为了给体验增加一个讲故事的层次,可以考虑预订一个私人导游 Precita眼睛壁画艺术.

San Francisco Museum of Modern Art

旋转超过30,000 works of art 和 supporting 45,000 square feet of public art space, SFMOMA is a must-see museum filled with creative inspiration. 有巨大的窗户, 变换视角的楼梯,像万花筒一样的天桥,以及垂直的活植物墙, 博物馆邀请你思考空间、光和色彩之间的关系. Plan to spend at least 2 to 3 hours roaming the seven gallery floors. 迷人的摄影, 绘画, 雕塑, 媒体艺术, 和 交互ive elements delight the senses around every corner. 完整的体验, 在5楼的咖啡厅喝一杯清爽的饮料或快速吃点东西,在你离开的路上享受精心策划的礼品店.





在享受完贝博体彩app大麻酒吧的体验后,晚上沿着街道漫步 照亮科幻 灯光艺术径. Featuring renowned artists from around the world, the ever-changing light art is something truly unique to San Francisco. Most of the installations are always accessible 和 free to view.  Bring your jacket 和 a hot beverage, 忘记时间, 和 enjoy this elevated experience that is a visual feast.




绿洲是一个极具包容性的夜生活场所和表演艺术的创意孵化器. 音乐,前卫的主题和夸张的表演者的艺术组合激发了所有的感官. The experience is often transportive 和 mind-bending in the best of ways. The mission of 绿洲 is to uplift the voices of historically suppressed, 被剥夺权利, 和遗忘 同性恋群体 和 BIPOC communities by providing a platform to present artistic expression. It has been voted Best Drag Show 和 Best Cabaret Venue in San Francisco, 这是一次难忘的贝博体彩app独有体验,与大麻增强的视角相得益彰. 



As the first woman-owned 和 operated community center in the country, 自1979年以来,妇女大厦一直是福利和社会服务的资源. The exterior is home to the awe-inspiring MaestraPeace Mural, a timeless homage to revolutionary women across the globe. Painted by seven leading female muralists in 1994, 赋予权力和勇气的生动表现横跨五层楼和建筑的两面. Take your time examining the diverse faces. 从人权活动家和反叛艺术家到草药治疗师和富有同情心的看护人, 这里有一些与大麻合法化运动交叉的强有力的主题. 



东湾圣. 和第16大道.

夹在 内外日落, the 东湾圣eps showcase a breathtaking mosaic of earthly elements. Inspired by a popular staircase in Rio de Janeiro, 莫拉加台阶的美化得益于社区资助以及爱尔兰陶艺家艾琳·巴尔和当地艺术家科莱特·克拉彻的创意愿景. 163 steps feature thous和s of h和-painted tiles, 彩色玻璃, 和 mirror pieces to form familiar scenes of sea 和 sky. 随着彩虹鱼的旋转,你会看到异想天开的月亮和星星,你会到达一个城市的壮丽景色. 


加州圣. 和32大道.

Before strolling the L和’s End trail, treat your eyes to the 林肯公园台阶 for a brilliant pop of color. 明亮的绿色, 橙色, 黄色的色调让人联想到开花的大麻植物,创造出史诗般的几何图案. Ceramist Aileen Barr also oversaw this mid-aughts renovation project, which features tiles donated by local businesses. From the top of these 52 steps, 沿着加州街眺望贝博体彩app市中心,一览无余. 拍照之余,可以在配套的瓷砖长椅上做白日梦. 

大麻 marketing expert 和 author 布莱恩Applegarth

Brian是…的创始人 大麻 Travel Association International (CTAI), 一个致力于大麻可持续发展和大麻全球旅行的非营利组织. He is a seasoned world traveler, 谁寻求真实的和不寻常的文化体验结合大麻和大麻注入冒险. Brian is a trusted advisor 和 consultant for award-winning travel destinations. He is passionate about cultural preservation, 可持续发展, 和 transformative travel experiences that promote inclusion, 股本, 和幸福. 布莱恩正在创造 大麻之路这是一个包含九个县的文化之旅,庆祝大麻合法化运动的故事.
