旅游指南 贝博体彩app历史悠久的苏特罗浴场 | San Francisco Travel-贝博体彩
Two people stand on rocks overlooking the ocean at Sutro Baths in San Francisco.
Sutro Baths are a San Francisco gem where you'll find one of the city's best beaches.


的 Sutro Baths are one of San Francisco's most impressive sights. Find out how and when to visit, and what else is in the neighborhood.

几十年来,, the Sutro Baths were an iconic part of San Francisco and defined the grand vision that prominent San Franciscans had for their burgeoning city. If you're planning a visit to San Francisco's Richmond District, 苏特罗浴场的遗迹值得一游, 都是因为这里壮丽的景色和丰富的历史. 以下是如何充分利用你在那里的旅行.


苏特罗浴场是阿道夫·苏特罗的激情项目, an entrepreneur who was also a former mayor of San Francisco. Set in the western part of the city on a cliff facing the ocean, the views afforded by the Sutro Baths were (and still are) impressive.

的 baths themselves were built inside a large and impressive structure and consisted of six saltwater pools and one freshwater pool. 即将到来的涨潮填满了咸水池, and an underground turbine pump was able to refresh the water every five hours during low tide.

完工于1890年, the Sutro Baths were an impressive feat of engineering in and of themselves and were a popular destination for citizens of San Francisco and visitors alike. 然而, 第一次世界大战开始时, the popularity of the baths had diminished significantly and attempts to revitalize their popularity — which included converting the baths into an ice skating rink — ultimately failed.

的 baths were slated for destruction, to be replaced by high-rise condos in 1964. 在那之前, 苏特罗浴场的遗迹被大火烧毁, 公寓的计划也被放弃了. Today, the ruins are a testament to the vision of one San Franciscan and how he saw the city.


而参观苏特罗浴场的最佳时间是有争议的, 许多人同意日落时的景色是最好的. If possible, visit during the week, as the baths can become fairly crowded on weekends. 


而浴池已经不再对游客开放, there are still a variety of outdoor activities to engage in. Ocean Beach, which is adjacent to the ruins, is a popular surfing spot. 即使你自己不冲浪, simply watching surfers can be a relaxing and enjoyable way to spend an afternoon while waiting for the sun to set over the ruins. Nearby Sutro Park is also a great place to spend an afternoon. It offers excellent panoramic views of Ocean Beach and several San Francisco neighborhoods.


If you are driving, take Geary Boulevard west, and you'll eventually run into the ruins. 这个地区有很多停车位. If you're taking mass transit, the 38 bus runs close to the ruins. Other bus lines that will get you close include the 5, 18, and 31. 



从米老鼠到冰雪公主艾尔莎, Walt Disney is responsible for some of the most iconic cultural touchstones in the United States. 的 华特迪士尼家庭博物馆 是40,000-square-foot center with interactive exhibits that feature some of Walt's earliest drawings, 以及一个令人难以置信的迪斯尼乐园比例模型.



体验14英亩 普雷西迪奥隧道顶部, the newest addition to San Francisco, connecting the Presidio Main Lawn with Crissy Field. 在隧道顶部可以看到金门大桥的美景, 快餐车, 两英亩的操场, 和更多的! Discover all the amazing events there or just go for a lazy day in the sun. 


With its breathtaking views and proximity to the 金门大桥, the 小木屋 is one of the few venues in San Francisco where you can get panoramic views of both the coast and the city skyline. If you're looking for a place to host a wedding or other reception, 小木屋值得考虑.


以复古的加州为主题, the pressidio社交俱乐部 is an upscale restaurant that offers unique cocktails and a rotating seasonal menu from some of the best chefs in the city.


的 军官俱乐部 is a community center with many activities for children and adults. 除了屡获殊荣的餐厅, 这个俱乐部举办许多公共节目, including music and dance classes and a wide variety of speakers.

的 普雷西迪奥隧道顶部 is San Francisco's exciting new park in the Presidio.


Aaron是Digital的经理 & 社交媒体营销在贝博体彩app旅游. He has lived in San Francisco for over 9 years and has worked in Travel & 其中超过7个是旅游业. He is usually exploring the Bay Area hunting for that new and unique experience and good food too!