贝博体彩app怎么样? 成为一座舞蹈之城 | San Francisco Travel-贝博体彩
Carnaval dancer in the Mission
的 annual Carnaval parade celebrates Latin, Caribbean and Afro-Diasporic music.



San Francisco has always been a city that dances to its own beat. From the oldest professional ballet company in the U.S. 世界上一些最著名的当代编舞家和舞蹈节, our dance card is full—和 citizens of San Francisco wouldn’t have it any other way.

What’s more, San Francisco’s spirit of 艺术探索 文化包容性使这座城市成为来自全球各个角落的各种表演者和以运动为基础的艺术形式的灯塔.

无论你是想看一场专业表演,还是在节日里学习一些新动作,或者 整夜跳舞 at the hottest clubs in town, here's our guide to dance in San Francisco.

Where Movement Meets Movements

舞蹈不仅仅是一种艺术形式,它还与贝博体彩app的政治和社会历史紧密相连. 从在爱之夏跳舞的嬉皮士到传奇的同志俱乐部场景, self-expression through dance has been a constant in changing times.

San Francisco is also a place of rebels and pioneers. One of the most important dancers of the 20th century, 伊莎多拉·邓肯, was born in San Francisco and honed her craft here. 你甚至可以参观位于中央市场的伊莎多拉·邓肯巷(伊莎多拉·邓肯 Lane),它位于舞者童年的家后面. Beginning in the early 1930s, the 贝博体彩app芭蕾舞团 set the standard for classical ballet in America. 到20世纪70年代, experimental dance companies began forming on the fringes of the mainstream dance scene, 玛格丽特·詹金斯和布伦达·韦等有远见的人将这种形式推向了大胆的新高度. 当代舞蹈公司继续用舞蹈来研究我们这个时代最重要的问题, a wave of open-minded repertories are giving a voice to performers of every age, 比赛, 性别, 体型, 和能力.

Dance Forms and Festivals in San Francisco

From classical ballet to cutting-edge hip hop to ancient Indian kathak, 在贝博体彩app,你能发现的舞蹈风格是无限的. 这里有一些不同的舞蹈公司和节日,你可以在海湾之城体验.

Alonzo King LINES Ballet

Founded by virtuoso dancer and choreographer Alonzo King in 1982, the Alonzo King LINES Ballet blends classical techniques with new forms of movement and storytelling, often collaborating with poets, artists and musicians to create adventurous soundscapes and striking visual poetry. 表演, classes and workshops take place throughout the year, 和 company frequently tours nationally and internationally. LINES芭蕾舞团最近在芳草地艺术中心的蓝盾剧院庆祝了他们的40周年演出.


成立于1933年 贝博体彩app芭蕾舞团 is the oldest and one of the most prestigious classical ballet companies in the U.S. 从一开始, the ballet’s home has been the War Memorial Opera House, an opulent Beaux-艺术 building in the Civic Center/Hayes Valley neighborhood. Many legendary ballet masters have led the company through the years, including former artistic director Helgi Tómasson, a former protégé of George Balanchine. In addition to familiar favorites like "Swan Lake" and "Don Quixote,该公司的保留剧目季(从冬季到春季)还包括当代和实验芭蕾舞, all accompanied by its own orchestra and led by Artistic Director Tamara Rojo.

Smuin Contemporary Ballet

你可以看到从灵魂乐女王埃塔·詹姆斯(Etta James)的音乐到“圣诞芭蕾”(the Christmas Ballet)的性感作品," an off-kilter take on "的 Nutcracker," at Smuin Contemporary Ballet. Formed in 1994 by the late Michael Smuin, a former artistic director of the 贝博体彩app芭蕾舞团, 这家备受赞誉的公司在贝博体彩app湾区的观众面前表演其突破边界的当代作品.

后现代 & 前卫的



以令人惊叹和鼓舞人心的舞蹈组合为特色,有残疾和没有残疾的舞者(包括一些坐轮椅的舞者), AXIS舞蹈团 旨在证明任何人都可以在追求自我表达的过程中做任何事情. 1987年由艺术总监泰斯·马祖尔创立,旨在让所有人都更容易接触和包容舞蹈, AXIS also hosts workshops and dance classes that are open to the community.

Margaret Jenkins Dance Company

Margaret Jenkins Dance Company is one of the pillars of the San Francisco postmodern dance movement. 她的亲密陪伴, 成立于1973年, shatters norms of movement and staging, incorporating everything from conceptual lighting design to immersive seating. So influential is Jenkins, a former member of Twyla Tharp’s original dance company in New York City, that April 24 was declared Margaret Jenkins Day in San Francisco back in 2003.


In true San Francisco fashion, 1976年,编舞家布伦达·韦(Brenda Way)乘坐一辆黄色校车,将她刚成立不久的舞蹈团从俄亥俄州的奥伯林学院带到贝博体彩app. 从那时起, ODC /跳舞 has been at the leading edge of postmodern dance in the city and beyond, 与来自不同媒介的艺术家合作,创作出发人深省的跨学科作品, 激动人心的, unlike anything you’ve ever seen.


这是贝博体彩app几十年来最令人兴奋的现代舞公司之一, 罗伯特·摩西的亲属 uses eclectic movements and a unique blend of dance styles to explore issues of 比赛, class, 和性别. Notable works from the prolific group include "Bootstrap Tales" and "Biography," an interpretation of the life of author James Baldwin.

在贝博体彩app有很多打破传统的舞蹈公司,包括 Joe Goode Performance Group推舞公司Deborah Slater Dance 的ater, a multimedia dance company that celebrates the “art of human motion” through inventive, 杂技舞蹈.


San Francisco has long been known as America’s capital of 同性恋群体 culture, our dance scene is no exception.


Recognized as one of the first openly trans性别 choreographers in the U.S., 肖恩·多西 brings a wholly original perspective to the city’s dance scene with 肖恩·多尔西. Powerful yet vulnerable, Dorsey’s works focus on issues of masculinity 和性别 identity. Dorsey is also a founder of 鲜肉制品, an incubator for multidisciplinary trans性别 arts programs.


You'll want to experience the raw performances by STEAMROLLER Dance Company presenting queer dance works confronting HIV/AIDS among marginalized communities.

舞蹈的节日 & 事件

全年, numerous festivals and events showcase San Francisco’s brightest dance stars and invite the public to get on their feet.


每年春天, 当地的舞蹈界邀请整个湾区的人在该地区的各个地点跳舞. You can learn everything from Greek dance to hip-hop to Argentine tango to belly dancing, 全部免费.


你真的会在嘉年华上与成千上万精力充沛的表演者一起在街上跳舞, the largest multicultural celebration of its kind on the West Coast. Dance is a centerpiece of the festival. You’ll see local contingents from Cuba, Brazil and many other Latin countries shaking a tail feather—thousands of them, actually—in their gloriously plumed costumes.

Chinese New Year Festival & 游行

San Francisco’s rich Chinese heritage is celebrated each February at the annual Chinese New Year Festival & 游行, where you can see lion dancers, colorful dragon performers, local companies performing traditional Chinese folk dances.

San Francisco Ethnic Dance Festival

的 incredible cultural diversity of the Bay Area is on display at the San Francisco Ethnic Dance Festival, one of the largest events of its kind. You can see a mind-boggling array of dance forms over two weekends, 像优雅的, sensual Lily Cai Chinese Dance Company, the fiery 的atre Flamenco, 和 Chitresh Das Institute, which preserves Indian classical arts such as kathak dance.

San Francisco International Hip-Hop DanceFest

成立于1999年, SFIHHDF 汇集了最令人兴奋的独舞表演者和工作人员,他们来自海湾地区,远至纽约和巴黎,在美术宫度过了一个爆炸性的周末舞蹈.

San Francisco Dance Film Festival

的 San Francisco Dance Film Festival brings dance to new audiences by showcasing dance films from around the world. 全年操作, the SFDFF works to support independent artists through workshops, 检查面板, 还有电影工作室. 在节日上, you can see groundbreaking work in the form of dance-based narrative shorts, 特性的纪录片, live-performance captures, 和更多的. 


现在轮到你了. If you’ve got the music in you, here are some of the great places to shake your groove thing around San Francisco.


While opportunities to dance abound in San Francisco, the SoMa neighborhood is the pulsing center of the city’s club scene.

音频(316 11th St ..)

Audio 拥有54分,000瓦的funkfunction One 3D环绕声系统-世界上唯一的环绕声系统-加上弹簧加载的舞池,创造了声音和舞蹈的终极体验.

猫俱乐部 SF (1190 Folsom St.)

This is the place to mix it up, from 80's underground music to hip hop to theme nights. With two dance floors, the 猫俱乐部 这个地方可以放手去跳舞吗?而且大多数晚上都有早到的折扣吗. 


Just a few steps away from Audio, DNA休息室 is consistently voted the Best Dance Club in San Francisco. With four dance floors bumping everything from ’90s hip-hop to trance, it’s easy to see why.

F8夜总会 & 酒吧(福尔松街1192号.)

一个令人兴奋的俱乐部, F8夜总会 is like a dance family, an inclusive place for all, expressly the QTBIPOC community. All genres of music are played with world class DJs on Wednesdays, 一个流行的舞池, raging music til 2 a.m.


走你的路 君主 为了一些舞蹈治疗, a two-level club with a great sound system that will make you feel right at home. 先在维多利亚蒸汽朋克的豪华休息室喝一杯手工鸡尾酒,然后去地下室的舞蹈俱乐部, home to one of the loudest, sweatiest dance parties in the city.


Located in a former bathhouse, 绿洲 is a popular gay club that hosts a diverse lineup of musicians, DJs and cabaret acts. It may be best known for Mother, 俱乐部中的俱乐部展示了一些世界上最受欢迎的变装表演者.

复古的 & 历史舞蹈俱乐部

More comfortable twisting than twerking? 幸运的是,在贝博体彩app有很多地方可以让你体验到梦幻般的复古风格.

Bimbo’s 365 Club (1025 Columbus Ave.)

With its red velvet drapes, glittering chandeliers and checkerboard floors, 女人的 feels like waltzing into the past. 这家经典的北海滩晚餐俱乐部多年来接待了路易斯·普利马和马文·盖伊等人. If you’re looking to dance, 不要错过《贝博体彩》, a super popular 1980s throwback band that plays here often.

德科跳舞 (1160 Polk St.)

Both nostalgic and elegant, 德科跳舞 is a stylish club for dancing in Art Deco style. 戴上你的珍珠,去参观这个“了不起的盖茨比”风格的场地吧,它位于下诺布山,有摇摆舞, 老歌, 和更多的. Creative and reasonably priced cocktails—try the Fitzgerald with gin, 薰衣草糖浆, flowers—are the perfect accessory.

汤加的房间 & 飓风酒吧 (950 Mason St.)

的 汤加的房间 & 飓风酒吧 isn't just one of the most famous tiki bars in the world for its beverages. Catch high-energy music by 的 Island Groove nightly for dancing in an island setting. 15元服务费.


Of course, that’s just a taste of San Francisco’s large and varied club scene. You can find scores of iconic gay clubs throughout the city, like 咖啡馆 在卡斯特罗和 俱乐部OMG 在SoMA. See top touring DJs at clubs like swanky 寺庙科幻,或者在某些地方用拉丁语 舞蹈星期五 & 周六, 位于 Bernal Heights 和 海景区的, where you can practice your bachata and salsa moves on a large dance floor.


Carol是一名数字营销人员,为全球观众创造了丰富的旅游内容, San Francisco 和 Bay Area, 食物 & drink, outdoor experiences, cross-cultural storytelling. Her work is found in the San Mateo Daily Journal and 的 Skyline View (Skyline College). 在旅行写作之前, her professional background included working internationally in business, 非营利组织, 和政府. She lives in San Francisco with her family and regularly explores the parks in her city, especially untamed McLaren Park.