

迷人的索萨利托是度过一天的好地方, 和 can be easily reached on a beautiful ferry ride from San Francisco.

Between year-round temperate weather, Michelin star-winning 餐厅,充满活力 艺术社区在美国,去贝博体彩app旅游的理由有很多. But did you know that one of the best ways to see San Francisco is from the other side of the bay?

索萨利托, a small town that offers a break from the hustle 和 bustle of San Francisco along with gorgeous, 令人惊叹的观点, 只有轮渡的距离吗.

Here's how you can cruise the bay 和 make the most of your visit.


只有4英里(6英里).4 km) from San Francisco lies the charming town of 索萨利托, offering gorgeous views of San Francisco Bay 和 a friendly community in which to indulge yourself. 海滨小镇, 坐落在陡峭的马林海岬, 那里有很棒的餐厅吗, 包括 索萨利托的昏迷 和 萨利托蟹屋 & 总理肋骨,供应以新鲜海鲜为主的一系列美食. 这个小镇是上流社会的聚集地 索萨利托艺术节, 哪个能吸引50多人,每年的劳动节周末都有1000人参加, 和 a small colony of houseboats that are occasionally open for tours. There are family-friendly activities in town, too, like the 湾区探索博物馆



One of the best ways to travel to 索萨利托 is to take the ferry. There are two options available, both of which run throughout the day at regular intervals.

蓝色的 & 黄金舰队

This ferry service runs from Pier 41 in San Francisco, which is close to the iconic PIER 39. The ferry schedule differs by season 和 on weekends 和 holidays. There is no ferry service on Christmas Day 和 New Year's Day. 检查 网站 主要节日的特别季节性游船.

The ferry drops you at 索萨利托's Gabrielson Park terminal, 它位于索萨利托市中心. 这个地区到处都是餐馆和艺术画廊. 夏天的时候会很拥挤, but there's no bad time to visit this charming waterfront town.

The ferry ride will take about 30 minutes from San Francisco. 您可以预订您的  提前在线. 你也可以在蓝球场买票 & 黄金舰队售票处,位于39号码头或蓝色码头 & 黄金船队应用程序. 单程票价是14美元.成人25张,8美元.老年人50美元,8美元.儿童(5-11岁)50元. 5岁以下儿童可免费乘坐渡轮.


金门渡轮从 渡轮大厦 它位于贝博体彩app的Embarcadero. 像蓝色一样 & 黄金舰队, ferry schedules for 金门渡轮 differ by season 和 on weekends 和 holidays.

金门渡轮's drop-off is also at 索萨利托's Gabrielson Park terminal at Humboldt 和 Anchor streets.

The average travel time from San Francisco to 索萨利托 aboard the 金门渡轮 is about 30 minutes.

You can buy 票 from vending machines located at 金门渡轮 terminals. 你也可以买  提前, 有效期最长为90分钟, 或使用Clipper应用程序(每人一张Clipper卡). A one-way ferry fare aboard the Golden Gate fleet is $14 for adults, $7.50 for Adult Clipper, $7 for seniors, 和 $7 for youth (ages 5-18). 4岁及以下儿童免费乘坐.



这是一项很流行的活动 骑自行车 在整个 金门大桥 然后坐渡轮回贝博体彩app. 然而, 如果你在夏天骑自行车和乘坐渡轮, it is advisable to show up at the terminal well before departure time. 自行车线路很长,容量有限. 你可以在网上为你的自行车预定一个位置.


The best way to experience the ferry ride is to be on the decks, 特别是如果你是在晚些时候旅行. 贝博体彩app的景色令人叹为观止. 然而, it can get quite windy 和 chilly aboard the ferry, even during the summers. 多带一层衣服来保暖.


The time of departure listed on the schedule is the time the ferry leaves the dock. 他们总是很及时! We suggest being at the terminal at least 30 minutes before the scheduled departure.


Pier 41 和 渡轮大厦 are not too far apart, a distance of 1.4英里. If you are not in a hurry 和 you missed a ferry at one of the terminals, 你可以悠闲地走到另一边. If you are too tired to walk, the two terminals are also serviced by 市政 有轨电车.


不要指望吃完晚饭后坐渡轮. Ferry service between 索萨利托 和 San Francisco typically ends by 8 p.m.,除非另有说明. 然而, 如果你发现你错过了最后一次发射, you can always travel between the two locations with ride shares like Uber 和 Lyft. (If your plans change during the daytime hours, you can also travel back 和 forth with 大巴士.)



There are other great places to explore around San Francisco via ferry, 比如迷人的铁路小镇蒂布隆, with its antique shops; the wildlife reserve of 天使岛; 和 our neighbors in the 东湾、奥克兰.


Carol is a digital marketer creating media-rich content for global audiences covering travel, 贝博体彩app和海湾地区, 食物 & drink, outdoor experiences, 和 cross-cultural storytelling. Her work is found in the San Mateo Daily Journal 和 The Skyline View (Skyline College). 在旅行写作之前, her professional background included working internationally in business, 非营利组织, 和政府. She lives in San Francisco with her family 和 regularly explores the parks in her city, 尤其是野性十足的迈凯轮公园.