“Lucy in the Sky” by Erwin Redl, 2021, Central Subway: Union Square Market Station
“Lucy in the Sky” by Erwin Redl, 2021, Central Subway: Union Square Market Station Credit: Ethan Kaplan Photography. 由贝博体彩app艺术委员会提供

Things to Do
Along San Francisco's Central Subway

A number of San Francisco's most exciting attractions can be found along the new Central Subway route. All aboard!

San Francisco is one of the most beautiful, exciting, and diverse cities in the world. It’s no wonder that visitors and locals alike love exploring all it has to offer. 现在,出行变得更加容易了,多亏了 Central Subway. 了解沿途可以参观的许多景点.


San Francisco’s Chinatown is not to be missed. 这是北美最古老、最大的唐人街. You could spend an entire day (or more) wandering the streets and visiting all of the shops and wonderful restaurants.

中央地铁的北站是唐人街-玫瑰白站. 这里只是一些社区亮点.

The Chinatown Gate

Take a photo at the Dragon Gate, which is the entrance to Chinatown on Bush Street. 这座雕刻着龙和锦鲤的大门自1969年以来一直存在.

Grant Avenue

如果你想买纪念品,可以沿着格兰特大街走一走. You’ll find Chinese-style lampposts, temples, and even red lanterns hanging above the street. 这是人们想象去唐人街旅行时的画面.

Stockton Street

而大多数礼品店都在格兰特大道上, 沿着斯托克顿街你会发现熙熙攘攘的农产品市场. 你也可以找到草药店、茶叶店等等. Remember to wander through some of the side streets and alleys, too, for unexpected gems.

The Chinese Historical Society

965 Clay St.

Spend a little time at this museum and cultural center, which is open from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., Wednesday through Sunday, and learn about the history and tradition of San Francisco's Chinatown and larger, diverse Asian-American communities.

A woman poses in front of an ornate gate marking the entrance of San Francisco's Chinatown.
San Francisco's Chinatown is the oldest and largest Chinatown in North America. Credit: @explore.with.eline

Union Square

Next stop: Union Square/Market Street! Union Square includes luxury shopping destinations, San Francisco's theater district, and historic landmarks. 你还会发现该地区有很多漂亮的酒店.


High-end shops near Union Square include Tiffany’s, Neiman-Marcus, and Louis Vuitton. 沿着少女巷,你会看到香奈儿和马克·雅可布. From 11 a.m. to 6 p.m., Maiden Lane is only for pedestrians. 韦斯特菲尔德贝博体彩app中心就在市场街对面. Here, you can find a range of stores including Banana Republic and Michael Kors.


也许你想在参观期间看一场表演. The Curran, 哪个地方有大众喜爱的作品和大胆的新作品, 坐落在美国音乐学院剧院的托尼·伦贝剧院旁边. 几个街区之外就是贝博体彩app剧场, 一个可以上演戏剧和浪漫音乐剧的私密空间.

Art Galleries

Art and San Francisco go hand-in-hand, 也就是说你会在联合广场上发现很多画廊.

在阳光明媚的日子里,人们在联合广场享受公园. San Francisco, California.
An inviting park lies at the heart of Union Square—perfect for a shopping break.

Yerba Buena

Disembarking at the Yerba Buena-Moscone Center stop is the easiest way to explore San Francisco's cultural institutions. There are so many in this neighborhood!

San Francisco Museum of Modern Art

151 Third St.

SFMOMA is a must-visit destination. 位于三楼的“生活墙”以19000多株植物为特色. 这是全国最大的活墙,值得一看.

On Floors 2 and 5, 你可以看到一系列来自当地湾区艺术家的壁画, 包括迈克尔·张和赛迪·巴内特.

Of course, 博物馆里还有喝饮料和吃东西的地方, including Grace, Steps Coffee, and Floor 5, 哪个在雕塑花园里. Don't forget to grab a memento at the museum store, which has prints, mugs, hats, books, and more.

博物馆周一和周二上午10点开放.m. to 5 p.m., Thursday from 1 p.m. to 8 p.m.周五、周六和周日上午10点开始.m. to 5 p.m.

Reserve Tickets

Museum of the African Diaspora

685 Mission St.

这家隶属于史密森尼的机构记录了这段历史, influence, and consequence of the African diaspora, 审视和挑战我们共同的传统. MoAD has drawn sculptors, artists, 甚至还有来自世界各地的厨师来创造独特的游客体验.

博物馆周三至周六上午11点开放.m. to 6 p.m., and on Sundays from noon to 5 p.m.

Contemporary Jewish Museum

736 Mission St.

Celebrating Jewish tradition and the artistic trailblazers who keep it alive, CJM strives to connect people of all faiths with bold ideas, inspiring art, and exciting events. 博物馆有一个不断轮换的参观展览时间表, 所以不知道你在那里会发现什么. 

博物馆周四至周日上午11点开放.m. to 5 p.m.

Yerba Buena Gardens

Yerba Buena Gardens encompasses three city blocks, bound between Market and Folsom streets north and south and Third and Fourth streets east and west. In addition to some amazing public art, you'll find more culture enjoy, including performance venues, fountains and gardens, and even free concerts.

Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial

Toward the Howard Street side of the Gardens is San Francisco's monument to civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 这个宽阔的石碑上刻着霍金博士的文字. King and others. You can walk behind the curtain of gently falling water that hangs over the memorial for a unique perspective.

Yerba Buena Gardens
Yerba Buena Gardens was the first “public gardens” for all San Francisco residents and visitors.


Oracle Park

Oracle Park 贝博体彩app巨人队的主场是哪里. If you are a fan of baseball and happen to be in San Francisco during the season, consider getting some tickets to a game.

One of the best things about visiting any ballpark is trying some of the unique foods they have. 你会发现甲骨文公园有一些最好的 food in baseball. You can find crab sandwiches, bacon-wrapped hot dogs, pizza, poke bowls, gyros, lumpia, and more.

Even if it’s not during baseball season, you can still book a tour of Oracle Park. 去看看那些大多数人没机会去的地方的幕后. This includes the field, the Giants’ dugout, the press box, and other locations.

Oracle Park is also home to a range of other events throughout the year including concerts from popular artists and groups like Blackpink.

You can easily get to the ballpark by taking the Central Subway to the Fourth and King streets stop.


Mission Bay

SPARK Social and Stagecoach Greens

你在为全家人寻找户外食物和乐趣吗? 然后乘坐中央地铁到米申石站,然后前往 SPARK Social and Stagecoach Greens 位于米申湾社区的中心. 

SPARK Social is essentially a food truck park with a beer and sangria garden, as well as an event space. 它对宠物和孩子都很友好,所以你可以把所有人都带上.

150多家街头小吃摊贩提供各种美味的食物. The trucks typically arrive by 10:30 a.m. and will serve lunch until around 3 p.m. 大多数人在下午5点左右开始准备晚餐.m. 

就在街对面,你会发现公共马车绿地. 这是本市唯一的户外迷你高尔夫球场. 18个洞中的每一个都以贝博体彩app的历史为主题. 这是一个独特的迷你高尔夫体验,你不想错过.

Chase Center

如果你正在寻找运动和娱乐, 很有可能你会花一些时间在 Chase Center. This state-of-the-art center opened in 2019 and is the home of the Golden State Warriors.

The venue also often has concerts by some of the biggest names in music and entertainment including LL Cool J, Depeche Mode, Bruce Springsteen, and Lizzo to name just a few. 

不过,这里不仅仅是场地. Check out Thrive City, the surrounding blocks that are home to restaurants like Miller & Lux, Gott’s Roadside, Dumpling Time, Harmonic Brewing, and the Mission Bay Wine Bar.

Chase Center Aerial View Night


Crane Cove Park

鹤湾公园是一个相对较新的滨水公园 Dogpatch neighborhood. It encompasses seven acres and has turned what was once an industrial shoreline into a beautiful park. 

Its name doesn’t come from the bird, but rather from the two historic and restored construction cranes that have been nicknamed Nick and Nora by the locals. 这些工业遗迹是该地区历史的一部分.

The park has a children’s play area and a dog run, nice views, and plenty of green space. 它很快成为游客的最爱. The park closes at 10 p.m.

Overhead image of crane cove park

The Golden Gate Bridge at sunset with a multicolored sky and the San Francisco Bay in the foreground.
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