
Visit These
Instagram-Ready Attractions in San Francisco

Indoors or outdoors, and often where you least expect it, 在这个上镜的城市里,你会发现很多吸引人的地方.

From iconic San Francisco landmarks to innovative museums,这些身临其境且适合拍照的景点值得每个人的关注. Come to San Francisco to be inspired, be creative, 在这些值得上instagram的景点拍一些很棒的照片.

Sea Lions


With amazing views and great seafood, PIER 39 is the perfect setting for an afternoon. All of the sea lions “拖出”为你的Instagram照片提供了一个令人难以置信的独特背景. Spend some time at K-Dockwhere the sea lions make their home. 大多数海狮在6月和7月前往海峡群岛的繁殖地, they haul out at K-Dock from late July to mid-May.

Sea Lions rest on PIER 39's K Dock
The sea lions at PIER 39 are San Francisco cutest residents

Museum of 3D Illusions

5-61 Jefferson St.

当你与视觉错觉互动时,让你的想象力尽情驰骋. 这个博物馆适合所有年龄段的人,每一个角落都能让你兴奋不已. Capture yourself surviving a volcanic eruption, surfing wild waters, or hanging from a San Francisco skyscraper. 这里有超过40种3D错觉,将与你的感知发挥作用.

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The Murals of the Mission District

Vibrant murals dot the Mission District给这个社区一种独特而多彩的氛围,这是你在其他任何地方都找不到的. Explore the neighborhood and encounter powerful art, 比如Clarion Alley描绘社会包容性主题的壁画. 在与Treat Ave接壤的Balmy Alley,您可以探索上世纪80年代的壁画., Harrison St., and 24th and 25th streets. 在南凡尼斯大道的狂欢节壁画中重温1979年贝博体彩app第一届狂欢节的精神和活力. and 24th St. 在第18街3543号,矗立着妇女大厦的壁画. 这是几代人的合作,旨在表彰女性对艺术的成就和贡献, politics, and science.

Juanita MORE! immortalized by J. Manuel Carmona at 18th Street at Sanchez
Juanita MORE! immortalized by J. Manuel Carmona at 18th Street at Sanchez

Conservatory of Flowers

100 John F. Kennedy Dr., 

A historic landmark, 花卉温室拥有稀有的热带花卉和植物,将愉悦的感官. In fact, it's one of the best places in San Francisco to see flowers bloom. 中央圆顶高近60英尺,俯瞰着温室谷. Carnivorous pods, water lilies, 在这里,你会发现许多植物会让你的照片充满色彩,咖啡浆果就是其中之一.

Exterior view of the San Francisco Conservatory of Flowers.
San Francisco Conservatory of Flowers.

San Francisco Botanical Garden

1199 9th Ave.,

Also within Golden Gate Park贝博体彩app植物园展示了高度多样化的花卉和植物. The best photo opportunities depend on which time you come. 秋天的时候,在安第斯云林或红木林拍一张照片. 趁着玉兰花季,它在二月初到来. 整个春天和夏天都在开花,整个花园都是美丽的景色.

Image of interior of SF Botanical Garden, giant lilypads

Madame Tussaud's

145 Jefferson St.

Forget the velvet ropes and security; Madame Tussaud's gives you the chance to get close to your icons. Take a selfie with your favorite celeb, from E.T. to Abraham Lincoln, Beyonce to Lady Gaga. You'll even see a handful of local Bay Area celebs, such as NBA star Stephen Curry, NFL star Joe Montana, and Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak.

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Hamon Observation Tower at the de Young Museum

50 Hagiwara Tea Garden Dr.,

可以说,没有比哈蒙瞭望塔更适合360度欣赏太平洋和贝博体彩app天际线的地方了.  在玻璃墙后面,你可以看到贝博体彩app市中心, Golden Gate Park, and the Marin Headlands. 即使在它的基地,周围的景观和背景 museum serve as an amazing photo op.

Observation level view at the de Young Museum

Cable Cars

You don't get to ride a national landmark every day. Plus, the cable cars offer a great way to explore the city. No wonder nearly 10 million people take a ride each year. Board the Powell/Hyde cable car to visit Lombard St., San Francisco's famous crooked street. Take the California Street line and hop off at the corner of California St. and Grant Ave. to snap a photo in Chinatown. 别忘了让人给你拍一张挂在缆车侧面的强制性照片. It's a must!

Powell-Hyde Cable Car at Sunset

Musée Mécanique

Pier 45

Everyone wants a vintage pic on their Instagram page. Musée Mécanique is just the place for that. 它是世界上最大的古董街机游戏和机械乐器的私人收藏之一. You can play all these games; just bring some coins to start the machines!


Pier 15

Featuring more than 650 hands-on exhibits, the Exploratorium goes beyond the traditional museum experience. 这是一个科学的游乐园,所有年龄的游客都可以在这里学习、玩耍和发现. 从运动科学和人体解剖学到天文学和太空探索, the museum has a variety of exhibits to suit all interests. Popular spots to snap a pic are the Buckyball installation, the Fog Bridge, the Distorted Room, and many others. With its sleek architecture and location right on the bay, the Exploratorium also has wonderful outdoor photo opportunities.

Buckyball at the exploratorium

Ripley's Believe It or Not

175 Jefferson St.

不去“码头上最奇怪的地方”逛逛,你的贝博体彩app之旅就不完整!“了解来自贝博体彩app和世界各地的所有令人难以置信的真实故事. Challenge yourself not to get lost in the mirror maze, and see how you measure up beside the world's tallest man. 很有可能你会偶然发现许多奇怪的经历,这些经历造就了迷人的照片.

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San Francisco Zoo

Sloat Blvd. & Great Highway

An urban oasis, the San Francisco Zoo houses more than 1,000 endangered, exotic, and rescued animals. 近距离接触这些迷人的生物,尽可能多地拍照! Journey to the South American Tropical Rainforest & 鸟舍,在那里你和鸟之间只有基本的界限. 你甚至可以拍到金刚鹦鹉或巨嘴鸟从你头顶飞过的照片! 不要错过在企鹅岛或费舍尔家庭儿童动物园的乐趣, 在那里,只要你给山羊梳理或抚摸它们,它们就不会介意这幅画.

Children feed a giraffe at the San Francisco Zoo.
