San Francisco Conservatory of Flowers.

A Visitor's Guide to
Golden Gate Park

无论你是经常去金门公园还是从未去过, this guide highlights the best things to do in one of San Francisco’s most interesting locations.

Millions of visitors each year experience Golden Gate Park's miles of green lawns, bridle paths, lakes, and 7,在贝博体彩app的中心地带种植了1000多种植物. Enjoy varied attractions from top museums to exquisite gardens and extraordinary events. 看看下面的指南来了解一下.

请注意:最好联系公园的景点, festivals, 和供应商直接确认他们的工作时间和可用性.

The History of Golden Gate Park

Much as San Francisco's Golden Gate Bridge was deemed "The Bridge That Couldn't Be Built", the 1,000+ acres of terrain once known as the "Outside Lands" wasn't a promising sight for a park. In 1871, field engineer William Hammond Hill and master gardener John McLaren carved out an urban oasis later named Golden Gate Park.

Today, 公园是贝博体彩app一些最受欢迎的景点的所在地, including the Japanese Tea Garden, the San Francisco Botanical Garden, the de Young Museum, 以及加州科学院. 金门公园每年接待超过2400万游客, 使其成为美国第三大访问量最大的城市公园.

Top Attractions

California Academy of Sciences 

55 Music Concourse Dr.

A four-story living rainforest and awe-inspiring coral reef ecosystem will delight visitors of all ages, while immersive planetarium shows will transport audiences through space and time for a new perspective on our planet. Dynamic daily programs, 从企鹅喂食到珊瑚礁潜水, 提供丰富的机会,让你深入了解. 除了普通门票, 学院提供各种机会,以提高任何访问, 包括每日幕后之旅, 每周夜生活活动和夜生活VIP旅游 (21岁以上),以及企鹅和睡衣过夜. 博物馆还可举办特殊活动,最多可接待3000名客人. Let the wonder begin!

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Conservatory of Flowers 

100 John F. Kennedy Dr.

This historic landmark in Golden Gate Park has housed rare tropical flowers and plants from around the world since 1879, 使它成为公园里最古老的建筑. The Conservatory of Flowers curates an endless parade of rare and unusual flowers for display and aims to transport all who enter the Victorian doors to a faraway place. 让自己沉浸在五个不同的画廊中, 每个都专注于不同的生态系统, ranging from the dense tropical rainforests of Sumatra to the cloud forests of Ecuador and beyond. There is also innovative community programming like Night Bloom that highlights the Conservatory in a new light!

The de Young Museum 

50 Hagiwara Tea Garden Dr.

Founded in 1895, the de Young museum has been an integral part of the cultural fabric of the city and a cherished destination for millions of residents and visitors for more than 125 years. The de Young showcases an extraordinary permanent collection of American art from the 17th through 21st centuries, modern and contemporary art, photography, international textiles and costumes, and art from Africa, Oceania, and the Americas. 德·杨的哈蒙塔的九楼观察层, free to everyone, offers breathtaking 360-degree views of San Francisco and the Pacific Ocean.

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Japanese Tea Garden 

75 Hagiwara Tea Garden Dr.

Constructed in 1893 for the California Midwinter International Exposition, the Japanese Tea Garden 有鸟居(门)、宝塔、月桥和1.5-ton Buddha. The garden comprises rock sculptures, “dry” or zen gardens, Japanese architectural structures, and waterfalls. 它的开放空间与树篱的紧密角落形成对比. 这是一个周到的设计贯穿始终, 文化的影响无处不在, from edges trimmed to resemble Mt. Fuji in Japan to the Drum Bridge almost floating over reflective waters below. Fortune cookies were first created and served here in 1914 and can still be enjoyed in the teahouse.

San Francisco Botanical Garden 

1199 Ninth Ave.

The San Francisco Botanical Garden 提供55英亩的美丽花园,展示近9,来自世界各地的000种不同的植物. 贝博体彩app有著名的大雾和温和的气候, the Garden enjoys a range of climatic conditions that exists in few other botanical gardens in the world, allowing it to grow and conserve a highly diverse and critically important botanical collection. 这个花园是一片美丽、宁静的绿洲.

The Park's Hidden Treasures

While several top attractions should be on your list to see inside Golden Gate Park, 游客们会惊讶地发现公园里还有其他隐藏的宝藏. For a different perspective of the park, make your way to Blue Heron Lake, where you can rent a boat. 在草莓山上,周围的景色也很美, the highest point in the park, 位于蓝鹭湖中央. 别忘了去金门大桥亭冥想, a Chinese temple-like structure that was a gift from the city of Taipei to commemorate early Chinese settlers.

Music Concourse in Golden Gate Park

Golden Gate Park by Bike

When visiting the park, you should devote about two and a half hours to see it all and the best way to see the entire park is by bike. With Parkwide Rentals & Tours, you can pick a rental at Fisherman's Wharf and pedal your way to Golden Gate Park to explore its top sights and hidden gems, 从花卉温室到草莓山, before continuing on to Ocean Beach. 有两个或四个座位的选择, peddling around means teamwork.

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Annual Events

Bay to Breakers

贝博体彩app著名的12K赛跑每年五月举行. 穿上戏服,成为比赛的一部分, 或者成为成千上万旁观者中的一员. Either way, you're in for a real treat. The Bay to Breakers 比赛向西穿过城市,沿着海洋海滩结束. Participants run along iconic streets and hills and through Golden Gate Park before reaching the finish line.

Flower Piano

Every summer, twelve pianos are nestled throughout San Francisco Botanical Garden's 55 acres for anyone to play. 为家庭准备的特别活动包括日落时分的花钢琴, a community sing-along, free piano lessons, 还有三个晚上的《贝博体彩app》. Watch, 在这个为期12天的花钢琴活动中聆听或演奏, 是贝博体彩app湾区最受期待的音乐盛会之一.

Outside Lands

Outside Lands is one of the country’s most popular music and arts festivals. 这个节日通常在八月初举行. Some past artists who have performed at the festival include Paul McCartney, Radiohead, Pearl Jam, Stevie Wonder and many others. The festival focuses on food, wine and art as well as world-class live music. Visit sfoutsidelands.com for more information.

Hardly Strictly Bluegrass

这是贝博体彩app和金门公园自2001年以来的传统, 这是一个在十月的第一个周末举行的免费音乐节. This is a truly special outdoor event to experience during San Francisco’s best weather. Visit hardlystrictlybluegrass.com for more information.


如果你在金门公园探险后胃口大开, there are many places to eat nearby. Depending on which end of the park you're exploring, there are plenty of culinary options.

在公园里你可以漫步到 café at Blue Heron Lake Boathouse它提供各种健康食品、咖啡和饮料.  Don't forget to treat yourself to some pink popcorn, a Blue Heron Lake classic.

位于内日落社区, Pacific Catch Restaurant (1200 Ninth Ave.) offers fresh seafood just within walking distance of the San Francisco Botanical Garden and California Academy of Sciences. 你也可以探索沿着欧文街发现的许多餐馆.它离公园入口只有一个街区.

如果你在金门公园西侧靠近海洋海滩, Beach Chalet (1000 Great Hwy.) serves not just a variety of delicious meats and seafood, but also some of the best ocean views.

On the eastern side of the park near the Conservatory of Flowers, you can walk to Velo Rouge Cafe (798 Arguello Blvd.),以其香甜可口的小吃和三明治而闻名.


Where to Stay

如果你想住在金门公园附近,你很幸运. There are several great hotels, hostels, vacation homes, 在公园附近提供住宿和早餐.


Getting There


整个公园提供有限的免费停车位, and there is a parking garage near the Music Concourse with varying prices. The entrance to the garage can be found at 10th Avenue and Fulton Street.

Public Transportation

各种Muni公交线路穿过公园. Please visit sfmta.com for more information.


公园里有各种各样的入口供骑自行车的人使用. 公园道路设有安全的自行车专用道.

Visit goldengatepark.com/how-to-get-around-golden-gate-park for more information.
