去哪里吃早午餐 在贝博体彩app | San Francisco Travel-贝博体彩
Overhead shot of a group of people clinking glasses at a brunch table.


在大多数城市,早午餐是早餐和午餐菜单上的传统组合. However, brunch 在贝博体彩app is by no means traditional.

Whatever you’re craving—breakfast pizza, 炸鸡和华夫饼, 点心, 鸡、, 汉堡, 沙拉, 或者三明治——这个城市有. Throw in bottomless mimosas or over-the-top cocktails, 贝博体彩app的早午餐也变成了值得排队等候的东西. 当你到贝博体彩app旅游时,你一定要挤出时间去看看这些早午餐地点. Whether it's a trek from the Sunset to the Mission, 从海耶斯谷到北滩, 及以后, 这是值得的.

琼斯街2700号. 在渔人码头


马尼拉麻 是一家当代菲律宾加州餐厅,展示菲律宾文化和美食的美丽和活力. While breakfast is served from 7 to 10 a.m. every day, brunch on Saturday and Sunday is a relative newcomer. 菜单上有几个经典的菲律宾菜,你需要点:Tikoy熊猫华夫饼, 优步饼干, 和托奇诺·西洛格. Pair those dishes with a passionfruit mimosa and you're set.

师街919号. 在NOPA


什么是肉加三? 这是南方的烹饪传统. 肉 & 三个食客,比如 布伦达的肉和三, 当地人每天从当地最受欢迎的菜肴中选择一份肉(或虾肉)和三份配菜吗. And for brunch, which is served every day until 3 p.m., you can choose from classic Southern dishes like pulled pork hash, 奶油饼干和乡村肉汁, 鲜虾玉米粥, 和低地秋葵汤. 菜单上的明星是有巧克力、史密斯苹果和小龙虾三种口味的煎饼. 如果你喜欢喝早午餐,你不能错过克里奥尔血腥玛丽. 

诺列加街3876号. 日落时分


All hail the mighty breakfast sandwich! 恶魔之牙烘焙公司 is a no-frills yet 美味的 brunch option. 除了一个小木屋,这家只卖外卖的面包店没有桌椅. 别担心:他们的早餐三明治(放在特制酱料的饼干上), 鳄梨, 培根, 和奶酪)或肉桂圆面包(一个密集的歌利亚与红糖糊)不需要桌子或椅子. 

宣教街2534号. 在教会区


What feels like a romantic drive-in with patio lights, overhead heaters to protect you from the fog, and movies playing on the back wall at night, 外国电影 is a hard reservation to get for dinner. 在白天, 天井充满了自然光, 这使得它成为一个享用半壳牡蛎的绝佳去处, 他们著名的流行挞, 法式吐司, 或者是油封鸭腿. Movies might not be playing on the big screen, but brunch at 外国电影 is an easier table to snag.

29街65A号. 在伯纳尔高地


Come straight here if you need to feed your southern fix. 只是不要计划之后做很多活动(我们建议在多洛雷斯公园小睡一下?). 前廊 以炸鸡闻名,所以你买他们的炸鸡和华夫饼才合适. Everything is hearty, so plan on a long walk back to your hotel. You could also opt to take a Lyft or an Uber; just don't fall asleep from the inevitable food coma.

联合街701号. 在北泳滩


While Mama's on Washington Square is a stalwart, we recommend checking out the newest kid on the block, 希尔达和杰西,一家早午餐和晚餐餐厅. Come here for the Pancakes Without Boundaries, 蟹肉鱼子酱煎蛋卷, 还有土豆饼配猪肉香肠. For those already overwhelmed by these choices, 这里有三道菜的早午餐品尝菜单,售价45美元,还有可选的葡萄酒搭配. 和食物听起来一样美味, 它的设计如此引人注目,你会想在离开之前在Instagram上拍张照片.

16街3499号. 在卡斯特罗


位于心脏地带 卡斯特罗区, 厨房里的故事 是一家加州美食店,供应“典型的郊区家庭早餐”.“这家餐厅代表了加州和亚洲文化的结合. While the menu is expansive and 美味的, 在“厨房故事”要做的就是和一大群朋友一起去,喝点无底洞的含羞草酒.

克莱门特街1801号. 在里士满


去这家受欢迎的早午餐餐厅吧 被带到伊斯坦布尔品尝他们的土耳其风格的贝博体彩app早午餐. Bring a friend with you to share the Turkish breakfast, a meal for two that includes sujuk (sausage), pastirma(风干, 腌牛肉), 四个炒鸡蛋, 配菜里有很多羊乳酪, 鹰嘴豆泥, 橄榄, 西红柿, 黄瓜, 和皮塔饼. 如果你独自用餐, 得到纪念品, 这是一道土耳其经典菜肴,由炒蛋、有机番茄和甜椒组成, 羊乳酪, 新鲜的水果 & 热乎.



Outerlands 是相当的跋涉,而且会有一条线,但这是好事即将到来的迹象吗. So put down your name and head to Trouble Coffee while you wait. 轮到你坐下的时候, don't waste another second: order the dutch pancake, 粘性的面包, 和鸡. The best part about brunch is it starts on Thursday. If you visit San Francisco during the week, this is the place to go.

联合街2032号. 在牛谷


如果你想逃离清晨的浓雾,你需要直接前往 棕榈屋 for its tropical vibes and plentiful brunch librations. While you might already be on vacation, visiting 棕榈屋 will make you feel like you're on another, with their good vibes and vibrant Cal-tropic fare. Must-haves off the brunch menu are the Island Breakfast, 凤梨炒饭, 还有烤虾和粗粉.

明尼苏达街1001号. 在狗窝里


Piccino is a chill and spacious 意大利 restaurant serving excellent coffee, 糕点, 还有非常好吃的鸡蛋披萨(是的, 早餐披萨是一种东西). You can walk in and easily grab a table. 这是你远离其他游客的机会,皮奇诺值得你花时间. The restaurant is housed in an iconic yellow building. 你不会错过的.


Brunch 在贝博体彩app starts and ends with 在波特雷罗山,犁是几乎每个居民的最爱,无论白天. 一切都很美味, 但如果你需要选择, get the breakfast sandwich with a lemon ricotta pancake and potatoes. 早起! The best time to go to 犁 is before 9 a.m.

波尔街700号. 在文娱中心

儿子 & 花园

Aptly described as a breakfast restaurant, 儿子 & 花园 will brighten your day (and your Instagram) with its colorful, 美味的, and thoughtful creations on the menu and on the walls. 乳清干酪煎饼、摩卡干酪和龙虾本尼迪克特会让你的眼睛突出,胃咆哮. 把这些菜和Cloud 9鸡尾酒搭配在一起,你就知道自己在哪里了.

萨特街2101号. 在菲尔莫尔区


The sister restaurant to 厨房里的故事, 甜蜜的枫 is the place to try Millionaire’s Bacon. 厚, free-range 培根 baked for four hours with brown sugar, 卡宴, 红胡椒粉和黑胡椒的口感恰到好处,又软又脆. Don’t forget to order the Marnier French Toast, and when you order your bottomless mimosa, 试试甜的(新鲜的覆盆子柠檬汁)和苦的(鲜榨葡萄柚汁)口味.

阿拉巴马街595号. 在教会区


最初是格雷罗和第18街的一家受欢迎的面包店,现在已经扩展到一个新的空间,提供完整的菜单,包括鳟鱼籽和辣根煎蛋, 香草蛋卷, 还有各种各样的酸盐叫做 Tartine工厂. Don't worry: the bread is still the star here. 如果你不想排队的话, 里面还有一个迷你咖啡店,供应糕点和新鲜面包.

24街3150号. 在教会区


任何想要最高级的丸子汤、剁肝或熏牛肉黑麦汤的人都必须来这里 任务熟食店 所有的东西都是内部制作的. 比如熏牛肉奶酪薯条, 熏牛肉和鸡蛋, 他们的肉饼融化(肉饼里有熏牛肉)会让你流连忘返. And do not miss out on the open-face lox bagel. It's quite possibly the best in the city. Most of the brunch items are available all day.

史蒂文森街49号. 在SoMa


自1958年起开放, 美国人唱 continues to evolve with the times, serving both traditional and contemporary takes on 点心. At 美国人唱, 在品尝这道标志性的中国美食的过程中,你将与当地人和游客接触, 在他们的现代餐厅里,有100多种传统推车上的旋转菜肴可供选择. Dishes to check out are the xiao long bao soup dumplings, 蛋挞, shumai, 哈尔麻醉品, 还有萝卜饼.



Hidden in the sleepy neighborhood of Cole Valley, you'd only notice Zazie by the long line of locals waiting to grab a table for brunch. 如果你想要被挠痒痒,扎齐就是你的好去处. They have seven different kinds of poached eggs. 螃蟹就在那里. Don't be dismayed about the long line. 只需写下你的名字,然后前往隔壁的芬尼根守灵,喝一杯辛辣的血腥玛丽来打发时间.

街市街1658号. 在海耶斯谷


祖尼人咖啡馆 is one of the most savory and iconic brunch options on this list. 成立于1979年, Zuni was an instant classic; but it wasn't until 1987, when Chef Judy Rodgers helmed the kitchen, that the restaurant started being recognized nationally. 这家餐厅获得了不止一项,两项,而是三项詹姆斯·比尔德奖! While you take a minute to marvel at this bustling, 双层的小酒馆, don't forget to order the roast chicken for two, 凯撒沙拉, or the hamburger (only on the lunch menu).


Dan is the Vice President, Global Marketing, at San Francisco Travel. 十多年来,贝博体彩app一直是他的家(这使他成为当地人,对吧?). 在周末, you can find him with a cup of craft coffee in hand, 一个有良好共鸣的播放列表, 越来越多的书要读, or out at the city's hottest new restaurant or bar.
