如何在贝博体彩app环游世界 | San Francisco Travel-贝博体彩


There is a whole world of experiences in the City by the Bay, 提供中国的味道, 英格兰及其他地区.

One of San Francisco’s best features is that it can instantly transport you to distant countries without ever leaving its hilly, 风景如画的街道. From the 日本茶园 filled with koi ponds and bonsai trees to the narrow alley of Belden Street that serves as the center of the city’s French-American community, there are hidden cultural escapes all over the City by the Bay. 


Upon seeing two Dutch-style windmills on the far west end of San Francisco’s Golden Gate Park, 你可能忘了荷兰不止5个国家,千里之外. 这两个风车, 被称为荷兰和墨菲风车, were built over one hundred years ago as water irrigation systems for the park. The carefully maintained gardens surrounding these windmills are filled with various tulips and other plants, most of which are similar to those found in the Netherlands. 游客们可以在花园里悠闲地散步, 享受宁静的氛围, 闻闻花香, and truly feel as though they’ve been carried away to the Dutch countryside.


克莱门特街 in San Francisco’s Richmond District is a vibrant neighborhood offering an authentic Chinese culture taste. 这里常被称为“新唐人街”,” the street is dotted with bustling markets where you can find exotic ingredients, 香料, 传统草药, 反映出中国市场的热闹气氛. 这是一个有点心餐馆的美食天堂, 面馆, 茶馆供应美味的中国菜. Come here to enjoy the qualities and flavors of 中国, all without leaving San Francisco.


以日本传统园林为蓝本 日本茶园 在金门公园 is one of the most popular attractions in San Francisco–and it’s not hard to see why. 对于初学者来说, it features meticulously manicured landscapes with koi ponds, 石灯笼, 禅宗花园, 蜿蜒的小路. 最重要的是, in the heart of the garden is a charming tea house where people can partake in ancient 日本 tea ceremonies. +, the grounds surrounding the Tea Garden feature classic 日本 elements such as an arched drum bridge, 宝塔, 和日本本土植物. 



百通的地方, 金融区一条古色古香的小巷, has an unmistakable French ambiance that makes it well worth the visit. 狭窄的, 鹅卵石街道, which is often referred to as San Francisco’s French Quarter, 到处都是舒适的户外咖啡馆, 小酒馆类型的餐馆, and string lights that create an atmosphere reminiscent of Paris. The culinary scene here is a highlight, with 餐厅 that offer mouthwatering French cuisine. 不管你是在咖啡厅吃牛角面包, 沉迷于蜗牛, 或者只是享受一杯美酒, the experience of visiting 百通的地方 is something you won’t forget.


施罗德的, 前街上一家历史悠久的啤酒馆, has the fun and welcoming atmosphere that most German beer halls possess. The restaurant’s communal spirit and emphasis on beer and hearty, pub-style cuisine mirrors the camaraderie found in many German watering holes. It has a spirited ambiance (thanks to live music and loud chatter), 使它成为当地人和游客的聚集地. +, 这里有很多德国啤酒可供选择, 从贮藏啤酒到小麦啤酒, allowing visitors to explore the depth of 德国’s renowned beer culture.



菲罗利历史住宅和花园, 也被称为伯恩-罗斯庄园, 位于伍德赛德附近, 就在贝博体彩app以南25英里处. With its elegant Georgian-style mansion and expertly landscaped gardens, this grand property is similar to the stately homes and gardens that dot the 英语 countryside. The extensive gardens offer a glimpse into 英语 aristocracy, 提供了一个真正的梦幻乡村的味道.



One of San Francisco’s most incredible gems is the remains of the 海水浴场. 由百万富翁阿道夫·苏特罗于19世纪90年代建造, this massive public bathhouse was once the largest indoor swimming pool in the world. 除主池外, 它有较小的咸水池, 溜冰场, 餐厅, 甚至还有一座博物馆. However, the baths eventually closed in the mid-1900s and were destroyed by a fire. 现在, they’re nothing more than ghostly ruins that look like relics from 古希腊—but they make for a gorgeous and dramatic photo op overlooking the ocean!


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