A 游客指南 贝博体彩app大麻文化 | San Francisco Travel-贝博体彩


贝博体彩app的大麻景观是一趟旅行. Learn about the city's cannabis history 和 how we are home to innovative cannabis experiences.

不像许多U.S. cities navigating a new era of cannabis acceptance for the first time, 几十年来,贝博体彩app一直在驾驶“花朵动力”巴士. After all, this is where the battle for cannabis legalization was waged. 

贝博体彩app的大麻是一个反主流文化的故事, 激进主义, 宣传, 同情, 病人的权利. 你对这座城市大麻文化的根源了解得越多, the more you will appreciate your visits to our top-shelf shops 和 lounges. 

We invite you to take a trip 和 experience what makes cannabis in San Francisco so special; but first, 看看我们是怎么走到这一步的.

大麻 inspired literary greats from San Francisco’s Beatnik Generation.

在20世纪50年代和60年代的“垮掉的一代”时期 北滩社区 enjoyed a vibrant cannabis scene that surfaced in moody cafes 和 risque nightclubs. 大麻增强了垮掉的一代的前卫的创造性追求, 以及扩展意识这个概念的萌芽. In 1964, famous Beatnik poet Allen Ginsberg founded LeMar (Legalize Marijuana), 第一个大麻合法化倡导组织. 去体验金斯伯格和他的同伴们的标志性聚会之一, 你仍然可以在 城市之光书店. This acclaimed “champion of progressive thinking” continues to host author conversations 和 poetry readings – a perfect pairing for an elevated afternoon.

A central symbol for hippie culture, cannabis shined during the Summer of Love.

1967年的传奇之作《贝博体彩》(Summer of Love)估计吸引了100人,来自世界各地的000名(主要是)年轻人 嬉皮的社区. 在思想和歌曲中结合在一起的瞬间经典,一定要在头发上戴上鲜花”, cannabis represented peace, mind-expansion, 和 trust in natural earth remedies amongst hippies. 在那个夏天,莎伦·梅多斯地区 金门公园 被称为 “嬉皮山” after it became a popular meeting spot for cultural exchanges around art, 文学, 音乐, 迷幻药, 还有反战运动. 直到今天, 每年的4月20日, crowds gather on the lush lawn of Hippie Hill for a celebration of the high holiday. 如果你想买大麻主题的纪念品, be sure to stop in one of the neighborhood’s many head shops or dress the part with color pops of tie-dyed apparel at 《贝博体彩app》.

Compassionate cannabis is embedded in the city’s 同性恋群体+ community 和 culture.

卡斯特罗社区 是大麻先驱和行业偶像丹尼斯·庇隆的故乡, 也被称为“医用大麻之父”. 在20世纪80年代和90年代的艾滋病危机期间, cannabis emerged as a frontline relief medicine 和 helped reduce suffering by stimulating appetite 和 diminishing nausea for many patients. The intersection of Noe 和 Market Streets is one of the most historically significant cannabis corners in the city. When you l和 here, prepare to walk in the footsteps of fierce, 同情ate cannabis advocates. Medical cannabis matriarch Brownie Mary 和 Peron first began strategizing how to get cannabis to those in need while sitting at 咖啡馆 1974年弗洛尔. While visiting this corner of the Castro, be sure to stop in the 股本-owned 凝花 商店, where a thoughtfully-curated selection of cannabis products reflects the care 和 craftsmanship of legacy-growing regions in the state’s Emerald Triangle. The 凝花 商店 is the community’s steward 和 protector of cannabis history, as visualized by a cannabis mural that honors the leaders of 同情ate cannabis. 这幅壁画被指定为第一个纪念碑 大麻之路 加州.

San Francisco’s cannabis businesses reflect restorative justice for community members harmed by the War on Drugs.

今天, many of the city’s 大麻的商店 和 lounges are owned 和 operated by people disproportionately targeted for arrest 和 incarceration during the failed War on Drugs. 强调多样性、公平和包容, 贝博体彩app的大麻公平计划 is regarded as a leading model for restorative justice in the industry, prioritizing BIPOC 和 同性恋群体+ ownership in the city’s burgeoning cannabis scene. 

作为第一家在股权计划下开业的商店, 伯纳在海特街 也是该市第一家黑人经营的大麻店. 位于海特-阿什伯里社区的中心, 他们通过持有精选的股票来纪念这段历史, 本土品牌.

今天, San Francisco is home to some of the world’s most innovative cannabis experiences.

贝博体彩app是感官的游乐场, where cannabis is poised to be your companion for experience enhancement. 惊人的 大麻的商店 创新的休息室 散布在这座城市49平方英里的地方. Much like the variety of cannabis cultivars (commonly referred to as strains), 每个社区都有其可识别的风味和氛围. Go ahead 和 enjoy cannabis paired with world-class arts 和 food experiences that you can only find in San Francisco.


Brian是…的创始人 国际大麻旅游协会 (CTAI), a not-for-profit organization dedicated to the sustainable evolution of cannabis 和 hemp travel globally. 他是一个经验丰富的世界旅行家, who seeks authentic 和 off-the-beaten track cultural experiences combined with cannabis 和 hemp-infused adventures. Brian is a trusted advisor 和 consultant for award-winning travel destinations. 他热衷于文化保护, 可持续发展, 以及促进包容的变革性旅行体验, 股本, 和幸福. 布莱恩正在创造 大麻之路, a nine-county cultural journey that celebrates the story of the cannabis legalization movement.

The 金门大桥 at sunset with a multicolored sky 和 the San Francisco Bay in the foreground.


第一个知道即将到来的活动和节日, 新餐馆, 特殊交易, 以及海湾边的城市里发生的一切.